Samsung Freeform

Samsung Freeform
Published on Sep 24, 2019 by Jiaolyulu

I went to Samsung 837 with my friend.
I explored something called 'Freeform', which I thought allow people to work together to play music. I was invited into this special dark house by the staff at the door gate. 
An interesting thing is that when I took this picture, the staff immediately stand to another place so that she wouldn't be caught in my camera shot.
the front door of FreeForm
There are 3 drawing panels using Galaxy Note. There are five different kinds of brushes and each brush would be linked to a sound that sounds to be correspond to the brush shape. In front of each panel, there is a projection area where all your brush could be projected. This is the whole process of playing.

Allow stangers to play and collaborate.

When there are multiple people playing with these devices, they would tend to collaborate according to a certain pace in the consensus of music is the universal language.

Single person can also have the silent fun.

The length between each two galaxy is appropriate for a single person to reach for both.

People can stay there for 5-10 minutes when it is not so crowed.

The melody do made a strong connection with the drawing. For example, a shaking line will let out a shaking voice and a floating swimming line sounds to be uncertain and a little bit haunty. These kind of connections makes people to stay longer to use their fingers to find out all the connection rules.

The problem

might be that the environment is so dark that is not so friendly for visually impaired people. Also, we cannot know whether the 3 drawing machine is taken so everytime a person want to get in, the staff will need to get in to check if there is enough space.