Our procedure of carrying out this project
- Oct 17
- Rapid prototype:
to decide how we can shape the particles by stretchinng the cloth
- particles should be round and light
- cloths should be smooth and stretchy
- there should be some part under the cloth to help shape the shadow
- our shadow seems to be like a Patric Star, which is really fat
- Rapid prototype:
to decide how we can shape the particles by stretchinng the cloth
- Oct 18
- testing circuit:
Testing how we can stetch the cloth using the dc motor we have
- David told us to use the dc motor
- We try to control the small dc motor using driver
- We order the same DC motor on adafruit, which will be shipped around next tuesday
- testing circuit:
Testing how we can stetch the cloth using the dc motor we have
- Oct 19
- We buy the wood material from bruno Hardware
- We made the upper frame out of wood which is used for fixing the cloth
- We carry out the test again and find some rules of the shape under the cloth
- The problem is that the particle tends to be still when cloth is stretching them
- Oct 20
- In order to make the particle move, we try serveral ways:
We want to make the particles to be fluid and energetic
- First, adding a dc motor that will constantly beating the cloth
- Second, adding a rubber band under the cloth to give the cloth an accelleration.
- Zan brought her ultrasonic teethbrush to try to viberate the cloth
- In order to make the particle move, we try serveral ways:
We want to make the particles to be fluid and energetic
- Oct 21
- Go to Mood Fabric to find cloth
- Go to TinkerSphere and buy the viberating motors
- Laser cutting the under layer of human shape
- Oct 22
- Using paper with glue to shape a rough human shape
- Using air dry clay to shape a smooth human shape
- soldering part of the circuit
- Oct 23
- Get all circuit connected
- Making the rotating structure under.
- Fix them together
- Oct 24
- Dealing with ML5 poseNet
- Dealing with serial communication
It is a experimental trial of instanitiate a shadow.
#### What we learned ITP useful things for rapid prototype!
motor has its own force restriction
Our problem
In case of it didn’t work
the stupid interaction
using poseNet to figure out the movement see the source code