Create a sound work experienced without hearing.
Metro Sound Sculpture
I listen to this sound track while doing it.
This is a metro station sound sculpture.

It has 2 materials, airdry clay and also metal wires.
Airdry clay shapes all natural sound such as wind and rats, while the metal wires are all machine sounds.

It has two layers for the main part. The outside tube around the spring is the wind sound, hollow wind sound when the metro is acrossing. The inner metal spring is the metal sound create by the metro, it has many chains just like spring and they would collide with each other creating a collision sound.

The sound in the center is the sound of me, because sound is traveling with a speed so there is a linear sound in metro station. The sound of past and future. The sound of past and future are all hollow holes creating a lower pitch just like air going through a bigger hole. While the metro is driving in front of me, it is the sound of now. It is like sound passing a smaller hole and got a higher pitch.
Also I do not know why when I just hear the metro sound without thinking about metro station, the sound reminds me of a huge spoon stiring and hitting all the metal things around. The noise of the metro is so ringing at my presence and maybe my presence is an existence of a huge spoon stiring and hitting all the parts of the sound passing by.

So I decide to hang a spoon like thing at the top of the metro sound. When the linear metro is passing by, the spoon would collide with what ever it comes across.

The brake sound is also interesting so I open another hole for brake.

Because last time I took metro and it is my first time seeing a rat. rats are hiding at the bottom of metro. However, their sound is actually at the highest pitch. So I make a rat from bottom to top. Also the metro itself has a really high and steady high pitch sound. So I make the rat sound tangling with the metro high pitch sound.(metro is metal wire and rat is air dry clay).