Search Through the Timeline


Name: Search Through the Timeline

Team: Deeplocal

Project: Google Betty

Project Location: Washington DC

My Role: main Creative Technologist

Work Scope

  1. adapt Active Theory’s website into our kiosk Change the website interaction from clicking to a single mouse wheel scroll
  2. add feature and style change for better user experience.
  3. build the Attract Screen Animation, working together with Erin from the Creative Team.
  4. backend with Gumband integration, which is an IOT platform for experience design and exhibition development.
  5. update software with more milestone content to the timeline for every 6 month.

Tech Stack

  1. For main software, I used Three JS, Vanilla JS, Electron, Gumband SDK.
  2. For attract screen, I used Three Js, React Three Fiber, React, GSAP Animation.


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