Visiting Toy Stores

Visiting Toy Stores
Published on Jan 22, 2020 by Jiaolyulu

Suprisingly, I have to go to 4 toy shops to find 10 seemingly a little bit interesting toys.
The First is KIDDING AROUND, 60 West 15th Street.

The Second is Norman & Jules, 158 7th Ave.

The Third is LITTLE THING TOY STORE TOO, 139 7th Ave.

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The Fourth is FAO SCHWARZ, 30 Rockerfeller Plaza.


Ten Amazing Objects!!!

  1. Foam Alive is HERE! Introducing Foam Alive (originally called SloFlo), a slow motion flow compound that comes to life when you play with it! Compress it into any shape; a ball, mountain.
    viscosity coefficient weird green object, found in kidding around.

  2. The rubber hold the sticks in a structure that is similar to the knitting sticks. Found in Normans and Jules.

  3. Maybe has nothing to do with softness but interesting effect. Found in Normans and Jules.

  4. A toy that use elastic strings to hold the piece as a whole to play with. I have seen a lot of these toys in the shops of MOMA, which is more interesting. I like it because children can never lose one part of the toy. Softness is a way to play and hold toys better. Found in Normas and Jules.

  5. Use knitting to decorate the wood piece. The combination of two material. Found in Normans and Jules.

  6. A chicken that can lay eggs while press it. Suprise in softness can be triggered with pressing. Found in Little Thing Toy Store Too.

  7. A starfish that can go down automatically with its sticky tentacles The most interesting one that is in relationship with softness. It uses gravity and stiffness. Found in Little Thing Toy Store.

  8. A slingshot. I think that elastic material is great because it can provided an uneven force, which can never be found in any motor. Found in Normans and Jules.

  9. A plane that can return. When you throw it up, it will rotate in the air and come back to your hand. I think it is interesting due to the special structure that allow it to turn back, which has something to do with aerodynamics. Found in FAO.

  10. A traditional chinese toy called chicken eating rice. It is so cute. Although I don’t find it in any toy shop, I remember this when I am visiting ChaoZhou, in that shop all the toy is made of wood and strings. I think that the way that it uses a rotating wooden ball to ignite all the movement is great. In this way, the act of pulling has been transporting into rotating the toy. It uses the gravity of the ball.
