Inflatable, Interesting Material and silicone casting

Inflatable, Interesting Material and silicone casting
Published on Mar 22, 2020 by Jiaolyulu

Interesting Material and thoughts

material picture

I found the movement of this material is very interesting.
Imagine that you inflate this material. The part that you inflate it would become white and the inner part of it would be revealed. It is just like I am using a magnifying glass to watch this material. However, this material is natural. Which means that it is taken from some animals. I want to rebuild this material with some artificial fur and combine it with inflatable.
material picture
Take last time’s silicone casting as an example. If we can find a way to attach the fur to the silicone during the cure process, we might get a effect like this.

My inflatable Exploration

This is the sketch of the 2 inflatables. I am intended to make a spiral like shape. But actually it just turned out to be something looks like potato chips.
3D inflatable
3D inflatable
3D inflatable
I also experiment with how to make 3D inflatables by attaching 2 piece together. I sealed the conjunction with iron.
3D inflatable
You can see the detailed sealing in this picture.

My silicone casting

I did silicone casting with song.

During the first time of degasing, there are so many bubbles that parts of the silicone is running out of the container. I think it might have something to do with the gesture of mixing silicone A and silicone B because I am mixing them as making mixture for eggs.

We got no time for 3D printing because at that day the floor is said to be closed on 5 pm. So we use the one in the blue box. Later, Kari told me not to use it. We felt sorry about that issue. Because one of the leg of the model is broken, we cannot fix it tight to the PVC tube. So during the process of the second time degasing, the whole model is rising up along with the bubbles. I tried to push it back in place later but it does not seem to work. Now I under stand why we need to make the core tight to be fixed to the PVC tube.

Since we did the silicone casting at the last day when ITP floor is opened, we have no idea of what it would turn out to be. It is still left in ITP for the curing process.